With Children's Acupuncture babies, children and young people will enjoy a wonderful treatment that addresses the whole of their well-being.
C H I L D R E N ' S A C U P U N C T U R E
Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years, working with the body’s system of points connected by channels or meridians. These pathways relate to our physical, emotional and mental well-being which Chinese medicine sees as one whole. At Sue's Children's Acupuncture Clinic traditional diagnosis is used to assist in understanding which meridians and points to choose for treatment. The meridians and points are treated with massage, acupressure or hair fine needles to gently rebalance the meridians. The treatment is very relaxing and can make a child sleepy!
Traditionally, this ancient practice is seen to work with the Qi (pronounced “chee”), or vital energy of the body. This energy flows continuously through the meridian system, an energetic network linking specific points which in turn influence our health and well-being in all its aspects.
We are healthy when the flow of “Qi” or vitality is clear and strong in our being. Dis-harmony and dis-ease arise when this energy flow is blocked or depleted. Appropriate choice and treatment of acupuncture points and meridians works to re-establish and maintain the energy flow and restore the natural balance of body and mind.
Acupuncture is offering a complete approach to well-being. It’s not just about working with a particular complaint; it’s about understanding how to maintain health, cope with stresses and really get the best out of life.
W H A T H A P P E N S D U R I N G A T R E A T M E N T S E S S I O N?
Parent's or carer's laps are usually the best place for babies and young children to have their treatment! Older children can graduate to the treatment couch when they wish. During the session there are toys and books available to provide entertainment. A full case history is taken with the attending adult and of course when the child is older they are very much encouraged to join in! The treatment itself will usually consist of massage to the meridian pathways and/or particular acupuncture points up to about the age of seven. After this age a small number of hair fine acupuncture needles can be used.
H O W L O N G A R E T H E S E S S I O N S A N D H O W M A N Y A R E N E E D E D ?
For babies and toddlers the sessions are very short: just a few minutes. The length of treatment time needed lengthens gradually as we get older to around 10 minutes at the age of seven, until the full 20-25 minutes for a young person. The number of sessions required depends on the individual child and the nature of the health problem. Sue recommends Preventative treatments to maintain good health every 6 weeks.
A R E T H E R E A N Y P A R T I C U L A R C H I L D R E N ' S C O N D I T I O N S T H A T A C U P U N C T U R E H E L P S ?
First and foremost Acupuncture treats the individual child as the unique being they are. How one child is treated for a particular dis-ease may not be the same as another. Here are some examples of conditions treated but the list is not exhaustive! Modern research is beginning to explore children's acupuncture and references are given. Allergies, Asthma, Bed wetting, Digestive problems and Colic, Depression and Anxiety, Mood issues, Injury Recovery, ADHD, Sleep problems, Ear infections, Eczema, Colds and Flu, Fevers and infections.
​If you want to know how acupuncture can help you please click here to contact us.
Modern research has begun to look at the benefits of acupuncture too: